Getting Success in My Early 20’s

October 9, 2009

“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.”

Helen Keller quotes (American Author and Educator who was blind and deaf. 18801968)


The previous quote is one of my favorite quotes which can push me to do anything that I can do. And I would like to start by asking a common question, “How old are you?”, “What have you got in your age?”, and “What have you done with your life?”. One of the big differences between you and the others is your achievement in your life. Achievement is not always meant and counted by money, title or certificate that you have got, but the most important thing is the process and what you’ve done for the others.

Talking about success, I am sure that everybody has the same willingness to get success in their life as soon as they can. On the other hand, all of us also believe it’s not easy for getting that success, we need many efforts and sacrifices whether time, energy, money, or even our feeling to reach our dream. And many people also think, for getting that success it needs a long process, and it only can be gotten by somebody who ever faced success and failed many times before reaching that success, so in conclusion, success is can only be reached after their age turns forties.

But, don’t you know, there are many young men and women reached their success when their age were twenties?

I will show you some of them,

googleThe founder of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

Larry Page thought that he was really lucky to have such a supportive environment when he was growing up. His dad was a professor on computer science, and they had computers lying around the house since he was in a really early age. From a very early age, he also realized he wanted to invent things and because he figured that inventing things wasn’t any good: you really had to get them out into the world and have people use them to have any effect. So probably he said when he was 12, he knew he was going to start a company eventually. And he became CEO when he was 27.

success_keyAnd also his partner, Sergey Brin, he was also 27 year old when becoming a CEO. He was so interested in math and computer and he thought the most inspiring thing to him is invent something. But as his ages grew his mind changed, he thought the most important was how to produce something that was useful. And talking about challenges, he thought the age is a real issue. It’s certainly handicap in the sense of being able to manage people and to hire people and all these kinds of things. To figure out these issues, he thinks in terms of understanding where things are going to go, having a vision about the future, and really understanding the industry he is in, and what the company does and also sort of the unique position of starting a company and working on it for three years before starting the company. Then working on it pretty hard, whatever, 24 hours a day.

Liem Swie King (Indonesia, Badminton athlete legend) and Kim Yu Na (South Korean, The 2009 World Figure Skating Championship)

kingKing that we called for this athlete legends, He is Indonesian and had become a winner in several world badminton competitions, for instance his best achievements was as a winner in All England at 1978, 1979 and 1981. “King Smash” was his brand for his technique in smash, with the speed of 300 Km/hour. He was born from a modest family at one village in East Java; His father was his coach at that time. Since he was in elementary student, his father supported him and even forced him to become the best badminton player. Practicing regularly, giving motivation and even punishment were all the things on his young life. Sometimes because of misunderstanding he had some conflict with his father, but because of big support from his best friends and also neighborhood, he could reach his dream on early twenties.

Kim Yu Na, as the famous athlete in skater nowadays is also inspiring, getting the gold medal at The 2009 World Figure Skating Championship concluded with Ladies Long Program. When it was in 1998 Nagano Olympic Games, she tapped the whole competition and watched it everyday until the skater’s routines were imprinted on her mind. At the age 14 she made her junior international debut but people pointed out that she lacked artistic expressions while no one denied her superior technique. And finally she found out her solution when she did “El Tango de Roxanne”, and until now she still practices to improve her skill and enjoy what she chose.

Any kinds of what we choose in our life now, I am sure that we will face the result on the future whether twenties, thirties or older than that. All of the successful persons have started their efforts since they were in young age, or even started and focus to reach their dream on their early twenty. So now, if you know that you have your dream don’t ever think that it is impossible. Nothing is impossible if we really try to get it. Start with believing, continue with breaking down your target to plan and start from now.

I have watched an inspiring program, Kick Andy, on that show, they invited some successful young men and women, and here are some of the key word that I want to share, “do something that you enjoy”, “give more than expected”, “patience”. “happyconomics”[1], “follow the path”, “smooth means not grow, searching challenge”, “if you still on His track, God will give it to you”.


But please just remember, our effort will not create 100% successful result, there is 1% for destiny. So 99% is our efforts, and another 1% is for destiny. So after we did as hard as we can, please put 1% for possibility of destiny. Thus when the result is not the same with what we hope, we will not give up, and still could think positively.

Hey Young Men, Good luck for change your life!

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. Helen Keller quotes (American Author and Educator who was blind and deaf. 18801968)

[1] Happyconomics is one concept created by Yorris Sebastian (The youngest GM at Hard Rock Café in Asia Paific region) that means if you do something that you like and make you happy on your job, automatically it will support your economic/financial condition.

*published at Kyungnam Times – Fall Edition 2009

a brief explanation about Hijab

October 9, 2009

Responding the article which has been published at Kyungnam Times at winter edition last year, I am interested to explain more about Hijab. On that article, it was explained that Hijab is a conservative clothe and put parallel with the other examples of conservative tradition.

Hijab is the modern word for a practice of dressing modestly, which all practicing Muslims past the age of puberty are instructed to do as mentioned (or according) to the Holy Book of Al Qur’an. With the main function is to give higher respect to women  and for the basic requirements are that when in the presence of someone of the opposite sex other than a “close family member” (Mahram),  a woman should cover her body, and walk and dress in a way which does not draw sexual attention to her, and that a man should be covered from at least the navel to the knees, and similarly not wear figure-hugging clothes that draw sexual attention to him.

Generally, drawing sexual attention is only allowed for married couples—where it is highly encouraged—and they do not need to cover any part of their body in each other’s presence (other Mahrams should hide at least their sexual organs from each other). Thus, I ‘ll  ? It is claimed that Hijab strengthens the family and therefore improves the children’s mental health.

Some people think that it is difficult to wear Hijab in Korea, especially in summer season. Despite of this, I just want to convince to all of you and especially to myself that, it’s really no problem at all, just put ourselves as the some situation which is a habit for us,. This for example, eating Kimchi everyday and anytime. If wearing hijab has become our habit, we will feel easy to wear hijab anytime and anywhere. In addition, Women are not required to wear Hijab all day long. In side a house where there is only husband, father in law, close family or other Mahram, women are not required to wear Hijab.

In the Islamic law (sharia)”in the case of necessity, for example for saving lives or avoiding severe hardship, Hijab rules are waived”.

The way in which Muslims who practice Hijab interpret the stated rules varies from country to country and even individual to individual.

Nowadays, Hijab is famous as a fashion style in several countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Egypt, Arabia, Turkey, even in France and America. Any kinds of Hijab style has started to grow up, even it has been mushrooming and become a good opportunity for business. It is same with any other fashion style, such as casual dress, formal dress, and even wedding dress. Some pictures below shows you some of new Hijab trends.


So, it’s not true that Hijab is a conservative or even an old tradition. Hijab is one style for a women Muslim for dressing.

Thus, for Korea as one of developed countries, and also for each of country that will face globalization period, knowing various trend of culture is inevitable. We have to appreciate differences and respect one another. Although there are many people who live in Korea from various cultural backgrounf, we have to treat every one as the same. Neither by criticize nor respond negatively, but only for asking the explanation of the differences itself.

*sent to kyungnam times, but refused :p

perhaps because it contains too many promotion about hijab 😀

Ramadhan ke 2 di Korea

October 9, 2009

Di indonesia, dari kota besar hingga kota kecil, dari pelosok utara hingga ke selatan, pastilah semarak ramadhan di rasakan di manapun itu. Tapi tidak dengan Korea, Kota-kota kecil seperti Masan dan Jinju.

Saat diberi kesempatan mengujungi Busan, (Busan adalah salah satu kota besar yang terletak 1 jam dari Masan dan Jinju), di sepanjang jalan, subway, dan terminal, tidak ada semarak ramadhan yang muncul. Tetapi ketika memasuki salah satu kampus untuk melaksakan buka puasa bersama, mulailah terlihat satu persatu teman yang hadir. Mahasiswa Indonesia yang ada di Korea memang kerap kali mengadakan acara seperti ini untuk lebih menguatkan diantara sesama ‘anak rantau’ dan juga mempererat silaturahmi. Apa yang istimewa dari buka puasa kali ini? Tentu saja, adanya masakan Indonesia yang disajikan untuk memenuhi kerinduan dan para peserta yang hadir bukanlah hanya mahasiswa muslim, tapi seluruh mahasiswa Indonesia, baik muslim, Kristen, Budha atau agama yang lain.

Saat berada di sana, terdapat beberapa hal yang dirasakan oleh teman-teman ketika melakukan puasa di Korea. Ayi, mahasiswi S1 yang saat ini sudah 4 tahun berada di Korea mengatakan, ia merasa lebih khusyuk dan senang , saat tempat tinggalnya saat ini telah pindah ke daerah dekat masjid. Sedangkan Indah dan Defri, mahasiswa S2 dan S3 yang baru dua minggu berada di Busan mengatakan bahwa cuaca di korea lebih mendukung (lebih sejuk, karena saat ini sudah masuk musim gugur)  tapi hal yang sangat dirindukan adalah suasana dan semarak Ramadhan seperti di Indonesia.


Buka puasa sudah selesai, saatnya beralih ke masjid busan. Masjid ini adalah salah satu mesjid besar yang ada di Korea, selain di Itaewon,  Kimhae dan Gwangju. Dan saat ini juga sedang di bangun sebuah masjid di changwon, mohon doanya dari pembaca di Indonesia. Kembali ke Masjid Busan, taraweh pada malam itu di imami oleh seorang muslim Libya. Jama’ah yang hadir cukup banyak pada hari itu, karena memang, sabtu—minggu adalah waktu dimana para pekerja dan mahasiswa libur atau lebih luang dibandigkan weekdays. Saat itu jama’ah laki-laki berjumlah 3 shaff penuh dan 1 shaff yang diisi setengah dan jama’ah wanita terdiri atas 3 jama’ah. Saat salat tarawih  dan witir selesai, diumumkan, bahwa untuk muslim Indonesia diharapkan tidak pergi dulu karena ada tausiyah dan pembentukan kepanitiaan Idul Fitri. Saat Idul Fitri tahun lalu, Masjid Busan memfasilitasi untuk 700 jama’ah, namun yang hadir ternyata lebih dari 1000 jama’ah. Dan tahun ini, dengan adanya kemungkinan Idul Fitri jatuh di hari minggu, maka diperkirakan jumlah jama’ah akan membludak, untuk itu diperlukan kesiapan panitia dan SDM yang cukup untuk mengaturnya.

busan 2Para jamaah putri berkumpul dan tidur di ruang keputrian, sedangkan jama’ah laki-laki disediakan tempat untuk tidur di dalam masjid. Suara lantunan ayat Alquran terus berkumandang, hingga akhirnya waktu sahur tiba. Salat subuh kembali di imami oleh seorang muslim dari Libya, dan dilanjutkan dengan tausiyah yang disampaikan oleh Imam Masjid, seorang Muslim Korea dalam bahasa Korea yang diartikan ke bahasa Indonesia oleh salah satu rekan. Semakin sejuknya dan khusyuknya ramadhan di hari itu. Di pagi harinya, diadakan kerja bakti untuk membersihkan mesjid sedangkan jama’ah putri berkumpul untuk mengikuti kajian cyber. Saat itu beberapa rekan pekerja menceritakan pengalamannya saat berpuasa. Mba Iis yang bekerja di pabrik besar mengatakan bahwa pabriknya memiliki standar kerja yang tinggi, sehingga tidak dibolehkan bagi pekerja untuk meninggalkan pekerjaannya, sehingga saat ia bekerja pada shift malam, ia harus mensiasati waktunya untuk dapat makan sahur, bahkan ia pernah makan sahur di toilet. Lain lagi dengan mb Atin, kondisi tempat ia bekerja tidak seperti di tempat mb Iis, ia memiliki waktu yang cukup untuk shalat, berbuka ataupun sahur saat shift malam. Semoga mereka dan rekan pekerja yang lainnya dimudahkan dan dikuatkan untuk melaksanakan puasa kali ini.

Saat salat zuhur berjama’ah terdapat satu orang jama’ah yang baru hadir, dan ia adalah Nadya, seorang muslimah asli Korea yang baru bersyahadat satu hari yang lalu.. subhanallah.. Nadya masih membawa buku pembimbig sholat saat melaksanakan salat zuhur berjama’ah, dan kami pun berdiskusi menggunakan bahasa korea dan Inggris untuk lebih menguatkan Nadya dalam berislam.

Saat seleseai melaksanakan salat Ashar, terdapat beberapa tamu yang ingin mengetahui lebih jauh Islam itu seperti apa. Mereka sengaja datang ke Masjid untuk bertemu para muslim dan menanyakan berbagai hal terkait Islam. Pada hari itu terdapat dua siswi SMU Isabel high school, mereka mendapat tugas dari sekolah untuk belajar lebih jauh tentang islam dan muslim, mereka menanyakan berbagai hal, ttg islam, hijab, kemudian mereka juga ikut buka puasa bersama, bahkan mencoba mukena dan diajarkan salat. Lain lagi dengan seorang ibu guru, yang juga ikut buka puasa bersama, dilanjutkan dengan solat maghrib. Ibu guru tersebut diajarkan bagaimana berwudhu dan juga salat. Ada juga mahasiswi yang memperhatikan kami saat kami solat zuhur dan mengikuti kajian zuhur. Mah-mudahan saja penerimaan muslim di sini membekas di hati mereka. Dan kemarin juga  terdapat salah satu stasiun TV nasional meliput kegiatan ramadhan  kami di Mesjid, sejak siang hari hingga berbuka puasa. Tayangan ini akan ditayangkan sebagai acara documentary yang akan disiarkan beberapa hari kemudian. Semoga saja dengan melihat tayangan itu, masyarakat Korea akan lebih dapat menghargai dan mengerti mengenai Islam dan muslim.

*sent to Republika, but refused 😀

perhaps because it seems like writing a diary not a news 😀 :p